Mozilla Composer - A better way to translate to html
What you need to get this to work is Mozilla Composer thats is in the Mozilla suite and Word. You open your word document you want to translate and simply select everything and do copy. Open a new dokument in Mozilla composer and simply paste the document into Composer. Save the file and you got your good html file without the problems you get with saving it as html in word.
Hopefully we can get our courses to speak out to us.
Afterthoughts: Seems i had a brainmeltdown. Of course the pictures won´t follow the html-code and thus we can´t use this method. Though if you have the images put them in a folder and make sure the <"img src="/folder/picture.jpg""> in the html-code points to the right place you got a good way to translate your word files to html. to bad one cannot do that in Edulink.
Somehow the computer was too smart and kept the images in the memory and thus pointed for me so it looked like it worked.